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9 Best Yoga Poses for Emotional Healing: Find Peace and Balance

Emotions can often feel overwhelming, and finding ways to heal emotionally is crucial for maintaining overall mental and physical well-being. Yoga, with its blend of mindful movements, breathwork, and meditative practices, offers a powerful way to release stored emotions, reduce anxiety, and promote emotional healing. Incorporating specific yoga poses into your routine can help you […]

9 Best Yoga Poses for Emotional Healing: Find Peace and Balance Mehr lesen "

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5 Überraschende Möglichkeiten, wie Dehydrierung unsere psychische Gesundheit beeinflussen kann

Water is one of the most important elements of human health. While the amount of water you should drink depends on your size and body weight, a general rule is that men should drink about 13 cups, or 3 liters, daily. Women should drink about 9 cups or around 2.7 liters.Drinking less than your ideal

5 Überraschende Möglichkeiten, wie Dehydrierung unsere psychische Gesundheit beeinflussen kann Mehr lesen "

Wie Sie Ihre Komfortzone verlassen können, um positive psychologische Zustände zu erreichen

Many people stay in their comfort zones because it means security and familiarity. However, a lack of risk-taking may lead to stagnation. Stepping into the unknown and facing your fears sounds terrifying, but it can benefit your psychological well-being. Discover the benefits of leaving your comfort zone, the signs you’re stuck in it and actionable

Wie Sie Ihre Komfortzone verlassen können, um positive psychologische Zustände zu erreichen Mehr lesen "

Zusammenhang zwischen dem Konsum von raffiniertem Zucker und Depressionen

The rising consumption of refined sugar has become a significant concern in modern diets, with its impact extending beyond physical health to mental well-being. While it’s widely known that excessive sugar intake is linked to conditions such as obesity and heart disease, emerging research is shedding light on its potential connection to mental health disorders.

Zusammenhang zwischen dem Konsum von raffiniertem Zucker und Depressionen Mehr lesen "

Was ist Dentophobie? (Plus Tipps zur Linderung der Symptome)

Millions of people in the United States have dentophobia. Many of them put off scheduling appointments or avoid visits altogether. If you’re like them, just thinking of a dental procedure makes you lightheaded and nervous. The good news is that you don’t have to feel this way. While overcoming a fear of the dentist may

Was ist Dentophobie? (Plus Tipps zur Linderung der Symptome) Mehr lesen "

8 alternative Therapieformen und warum Sie sie ausprobieren sollten

What can you do if your previous attempts at therapy simply weren’t enough and you still have symptoms? Alternative therapies can complement psychiatric medications and what you do in traditional settings. In some cases, they may work independently.What should you consider? Here are eight types of alternative therapies and why you should try them.Alternative Therapies

8 alternative Therapieformen und warum Sie sie ausprobieren sollten Mehr lesen "

Was bedeutet es, im Jahr 2024 ein "sicherer" Arbeitsplatz zu sein?

You spend the majority of your time at work. You shouldn’t have to feel unsafe while you’re juggling responsibilities, connecting with team members and making progress in your career. Everyone should learn what psychological safety at work is to ensure it exists in their workplaces. Learn what it means and how you can help transform

Was bedeutet es, im Jahr 2024 ein "sicherer" Arbeitsplatz zu sein? Mehr lesen "

Überraschende Arztrechnungen und psychische Gesundheit: Warum ein medizinischer Schuldenerlass nicht ausreicht

Accessing mental health care is the most important way to improve your life. No matter what you want help with, licensed professionals are available to help. Unfortunately, that care also comes with a price tag. Medical debt relief may not be enough to solve the problem of surprise medical bills after getting mental health support.

Überraschende Arztrechnungen und psychische Gesundheit: Warum ein medizinischer Schuldenerlass nicht ausreicht Mehr lesen "

12 lustige Party-Ideen für jedes Tierkreiszeichen

Dein Geburtstag ist ein Anlass, dich zu feiern. In dieser besonderen Zeit des Jahres ist es eine Gelegenheit, zu erforschen, was dich einzigartig macht und die Dinge an dir zu ehren, die jeder liebt.Die Tierkreiszeichen sind ein mächtiger Weg, um die inneren Abläufe dessen, was du bist, zu verstehen und ein Leben zu schaffen, das diese tief reflektiert,

12 lustige Party-Ideen für jedes Tierkreiszeichen Mehr lesen "


7 nicht offensichtliche Anzeichen dafür, dass Sie bei der Arbeit auf ein Burnout zusteuern (und was Sie dagegen tun können)

If going to work has suddenly become dreadful, you may want to check in with yourself if you’ve crossed the burnout zone. Burnout affects millions of people, but most are oblivious to its symptoms. That’s partly because some signs can be subtle.Stress builds up from the root without you knowing it until it reaches the

7 nicht offensichtliche Anzeichen dafür, dass Sie bei der Arbeit auf ein Burnout zusteuern (und was Sie dagegen tun können) Mehr lesen "

The Psychology of Downsizing Your Home: Challenges and Mental Health Benefits

Downsizing is an emotional decision. Although it has various merits, even the most rational person can experience negative feelings toward it. Whatever your motivation for moving may be, learn to overcome the emotional impacts of downsizing and focus on its mental health benefits to go through it more easily.Emotional Impacts of DownsizingMoving to a smaller

The Psychology of Downsizing Your Home: Challenges and Mental Health Benefits Mehr lesen "

Wie hilft die Hydrotherapie bei Angstzuständen?

Anxiety is a growing concern that millions of people experience today. With the pressures of work, personal life and constant connectivity, more individuals are experiencing overwhelming stress and anxiety. Finding ways to manage and reduce it is essential for improving quality of life and enjoying everyday moments.One approach garnering attention for its potential benefits is

Wie hilft die Hydrotherapie bei Angstzuständen? Mehr lesen "

Wie Sie psychologische Sicherheit für sich selbst am Arbeitsplatz schaffen

Work provides security to make employees feel physically safe. However, psychological safety in the workplace is another topic altogether. Companies may have a strong work culture that shuts down your ideas and divides you from other team members. Whether it does or doesn’t, it’s up to leaders and employees to incorporate psychological safety.What Psychological Safety

Wie Sie psychologische Sicherheit für sich selbst am Arbeitsplatz schaffen Mehr lesen "

9 Wege zur emotionalen Loslösung von einem toxischen Arbeitsumfeld

Employees should strive to emotionally detach themselves from a toxic workplace when they recognize the red flags. It’s natural for work to take up a part of your life since you spend most of your weekdays on your job to make a living wage. However, getting along with company culture is hard when it doesn’t

9 Wege zur emotionalen Loslösung von einem toxischen Arbeitsumfeld Mehr lesen "
