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Libra Sun with Virgo Moon: The Social Worker

Sun in Libra with Moon in Virgo Personality Traits:In the Libra Sun Virgo Moon combination, the aesthetic sensitivity and social awareness of Libra is joined with the analytical prowess and critical faculties of Virgo, making you a very perceptive and intellectual individual. You are quiet, reserved, and a little aloof—until someone asks you a question […]

Libra Sun with Virgo Moon: The Social Worker Mehr lesen "

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Libra Sun with Leo Moon: The Personality Kid

Sun in Libra with Moon in Leo Personality Traits:With a Libra Sun Leo Moon, personality is your greatest asset. People are drawn to your magnetic harm and may envy your even disposition. You can lighten the darkest heart with your buoyant spirits and optimistic outlook. Idealist is the world that describes you best. Believing in

Libra Sun with Leo Moon: The Personality Kid Mehr lesen "

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Libra Sun with Cancer Moon: The Diplomat

Sun in Libra with Moon in Cancer Personality Traits:With a Libra Sun Cancer Moon, the emotional depth, imagination, and sympathy of a Cancer Moon heighten Libra’s sensitivity and aesthetic appreciation. Charm and adaptability are your two greatest strengths. You are a gentle, peace-loving soul and you have no doubt learned that kindness, diplomacy, and tact

Libra Sun with Cancer Moon: The Diplomat Mehr lesen "

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Libra Sun with Gemini Moon: The Intellectual

Sun in Libra with Moon in Gemini Personality Traits:With a Libra Sun Gemini Moon, the social awareness and intellectual strengths of Libra are heightened when combined with a Gemini Moon. Curiosity and inner restlessness spur you on to explore the world, to search for answers and hidden meaning. Detached and objective, you are a real

Libra Sun with Gemini Moon: The Intellectual Mehr lesen "

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Waage-Sonne mit Stier-Mond: Der Hedonist

Sonne in Waage mit Mond in Stier Persönlichkeitsmerkmale:Venus, der Planet der Romantik, des Friedens und der Harmonie, regiert beide Zeichen der Waage-Sonne-Stier-Mond-Kombination und verleiht Ihnen eine bezaubernde Persönlichkeit und eine bemerkenswert ausgeglichene Veranlagung. Charme, Diplomatie und Liebenswürdigkeit kommen Ihnen im Leben zugute: Mit einer Waage-Sonne-Stier-Mond-Kombination vereint Ihre Persönlichkeit die

Waage-Sonne mit Stier-Mond: Der Hedonist Mehr lesen "

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Waage-Sonne mit Widder-Mond: Der Krawallmacher

Sun in Libra with Moon in Aries Personality Traits:Having a Libra Sun Aries Moon, people know when you are around because of all that excitement and busy moving about. You may seem the gentle, peaceful, and easy-going Libran, but deep within burns the fiery spirit of an Aries.Like all Librans, you search for peace of

Waage-Sonne mit Widder-Mond: Der Krawallmacher Mehr lesen "

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Jungfrau-Sonne mit Fische-Mond: Der barmherzige Samariter

Sun in Virgo with Moon in Pisces Personality Traits:With a Virgo Sun Pisces Moon, people find it hard to resist your gentle and refined manner. Reserved, soft-spoken, and highly sensitive, you have an inner serenity that others would love to possess. You learn from experience, and experience has probably taught you that kindness, compassion, and

Jungfrau-Sonne mit Fische-Mond: Der barmherzige Samariter Mehr lesen "

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Jungfrau-Sonne mit Wassermann-Mond: Die Wissenschaftlerin

Sun in Virgo with Moon in Aquarius Personality Traits:Having a Virgo Sun Aquarius Moon, you may look in some respects like a mild-mannered Virgo, but that faraway look in your eyes sets you apart from other natives of your sign, and hints of mischief and rebellion. No matter how reserved and cautious you may seem

Jungfrau-Sonne mit Wassermann-Mond: Die Wissenschaftlerin Mehr lesen "

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Virgo Sun with Capricorn Moon: The Self-Made Man

Sun in Virgo with Moon in Capricorn Personality Traits:The Virgo Sun Capricorn Moon combination is one of the toughest of all Virgo combinations to live with, yet it is also the most conducive to worldly success and status. Your powers of administration and concentration are focused upon the single-minded pursuit of influence and success. From

Virgo Sun with Capricorn Moon: The Self-Made Man Mehr lesen "

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Virgo Sun with Sagittarius Moon: The Cockeyed Optimist

Sun in Virgo with Moon in Sagittarius Personality Traits:With a Virgo Sun Sagittarius Moon, your Virgo Sun makes you cautious, patient, reserved, and methodical. Your Sagittarius Moon makes you freedom-loving and rebellious, given to impulse and adventurous. As you can see, the signs of your combination are very different, which makes you an interesting and

Virgo Sun with Sagittarius Moon: The Cockeyed Optimist Mehr lesen "

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Virgo Sun with Scorpio Moon: The Sly Fox

Sun in Virgo with Moon in Scorpio Personality Traits:With a Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon, you are a very intense Virgo! Your reserved intellectual bearing masks an inner nature that is secretive, sensual, and deeply passionate. No matter how cool and analytical you try to be, most of your moves are based upon your gut reactions

Virgo Sun with Scorpio Moon: The Sly Fox Mehr lesen "

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Virgo Sun with Libra Moon: The Tranquilizer

Sun in Virgo with Moon in Libra Personality Traits:With a Virgo Sun Libra Moon, you are peace-loving, gentle, and refined. Your calm manner and easygoing disposition are admired by all. You have a very special way with people, and through charm, tact, and subtle persuasion, you can bring just about anyone over to your side.

Virgo Sun with Libra Moon: The Tranquilizer Mehr lesen "

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Virgo Sun with Virgo Moon: The Critic

Sun in Virgo with Moon in Virgo Personality Traits:There are many different kinds of individuals with a Virgo Sun Virgo Moon, ranging from the mousy librarian to the brilliant analyst and administrator. But all of you have two things in common: You are extremely perceptive and a lot tougher than you look.With a Virgo Sun

Virgo Sun with Virgo Moon: The Critic Mehr lesen "

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Virgo Sun with Leo Moon: The Babe in the Woods

Sun in Virgo with Moon in Leo Personality Traits:Virgos are kind, ethical, and humanitarian. Those with a Leo Moon are honorable, trustworthy, and romantic. Combine the two and you get a babe in the wilderness. Mother never had to tell you to be a good girl or boy—you are a model child—charming, innocent, and always

Virgo Sun with Leo Moon: The Babe in the Woods Mehr lesen "

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Virgo Sun with Cancer Moon: The Wallflower

Sun in Virgo with Moon in Cancer Personality Traits:For the individual with a Virgo Sun Cancer Moon, if the meek shall inherit the earth, you will surely be included in the will. Fortunately, you are too impatient to wait for that prophecy to materialize and too practical to let it console you.Having a Virgo Sun

Virgo Sun with Cancer Moon: The Wallflower Mehr lesen "

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