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Your Venus in Your Partner’s Houses

Where is Your Venus in Your Partner’s Houses?Discover how your Venus location in your partner’s house affects your relationship below:Your Venus in Your Partner’s 1st House:For You:With your Venus in your partner’s 1st house, you think your sweetheart is quite gorgeous on the outside. Your mate can be your physical ideal. They are elegant, appealing,

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Indicators of Psychic Ability in the Birth Chart

The ability to process and absorb the world with your intuitive lens could feel like a blessing or a curse. The ability to be sensitive can make you feel connected to people and yourself … however it could also lead you to be swept away by fantasies that are not realistic or heavy hurtful emotions.Certain

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Birthday Astrology

Your Solar Return Chart is a map for your upcoming year ahead.Did you know that every year around the time of your birthday, a unique astrology chart can be created to give you a picture of what you’re most likely to experience in the upcoming year of your life? This chart manifests every year at the time

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Making Sense of Your Rising Sign

Your Rising sign — also known as the “Ascendant” — is the sign that was rising over the horizon at the exact time you were born. In Astrology though, your Rising sign is also the sign around which your entire birth chart is oriented. It determines the cusp of your 1st House of Self — the point

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Sexual Astrology – How Accurate is Yours?

Sexual Astrology dives into the deeper primitive nature of our personalities, How true is yours? More than 1,200 men and women completed a sex survey that provided the information presented in the links below. Quotes from hundreds of these people have been included. Their explicit comments and generous contributions made it possible to write these

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Sexual Attraction in Synastry

Indications of Sexual Attraction:When somebody’s Mars falls in your 5th house, heart-pounding reactions and strong romantic/sexual desires and crushes can be activated. You WANT each other, although the attraction may not last long unless there are other stable aspects and positions in your synastry.When somebody’s Mars falls in your 8th house, that person inspires deep sexual urges

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Your Sun Sign In their Houses

Where does your Sun fall in another person’s chart? When you overlay your Sun onto the chart of your partner, you can gain plenty of insight into how you affect that person, and what areas of their life you take particular interest in.Your Sun in your Partner’s 1st House:You can’t help but notice each other!

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Cancer & Capricorn North Nodes

Your North Node Life Path:If you were born with a Cancer north node or a Capricorn north node, your life path involves balancing personal and professional endeavors, home and work, masculine and feminine energy. Cancer rules the feminine realm—home, family, women, maternal energy, creativity. Capricorn rules the masculine realm—career, public life, men, paternal energy and

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Gemini & Sagittarius North Nodes

Your North Node Life Path:Gemini and Sagittarius are the signs of communication and learning. If you born with a Gemini north node or a Sagittarius north node, your life purpose could include teaching, learning, writing and spreading a message. These lunar nodes are constantly gathering and disseminating knowledge. They are the most interactive of all

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Taurus & Scorpio North Nodes

Your North Node Life Path:Taurus and Scorpio are the signs that rule money, power and sensuality. If you born with a Taurus north node or a Scorpio north node, your destiny involves learning to balance the spiritual and material worlds. These nodes exude sexual prowess, earthy sensuality and power. Channeling these dynamic forces in healthy,

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