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Crystals for Obsession & Compulsion

Obsessions and compulsions are two sides of the same coin. Obsessive thoughts often arise from anxiety, while compulsion is a repetitive behavior that helps relieve some of that anxiety. These remedies can help you relieve the anxiety without resorting to compulsions, and they can be used as a complement to professional behavioral therapy.I embrace the […]

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Crystals for Mood Swings

It’s not always easy to stay on an emotionally even keel, nor is it always necessary. Throughout your life, you’ll experience an incredible range of emotions, which is part of the human experience. These emotions are normal and healthy, provided you don’t get trapped in any single negative emotion. Mood swings, however, often accompany hormonal

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Crystals for Letting Go

Letting go is an important part of accepting change and moving ahead with your life. It isn’t always easy, however, because holding on to what is familiar is comfortable. Still, in many cases, the things you fail to let go of will hold you back, keeping you trapped in energetic patterns that no longer serve

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Crystals for Joy & Happiness

When you ask people what they want in life, many are likely to answer that they just want to be happy. While many people desire happiness, a large number don’t have any idea how to find it or sustain it. Joy arises from focusing on the moment, paying attention to the small things that bring

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Kristalle für die Intuition

Intuition comes from your third eye chakra, which is the center of insight. All humans are intuitive, but many of us have stopped listening to our intuition, relying solely on logic to make decisions. When we ignore our intuition, it tends to grow less active. In my experience, when I struggle between making a logical

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Kristalle für die Hoffnung

Hoffnung ist notwendig, damit der Mensch vorankommt. Wenn wir keine Hoffnung haben, verlieren wir die Motivation, etwas zu unternehmen oder unsere Umstände zu verbessern. Ein völliger Verlust der Hoffnung kann zu Verzweiflung oder Mutlosigkeit führen. Manchmal mag es sich schwierig anfühlen, die Hoffnung aufrechtzuerhalten. Die Hoffnung auch in dunklen Zeiten aufrechtzuerhalten, kann uns helfen, sie zu überwinden. Mein

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Kristalle zum Erreichen von Zielen

Setting and achieving goals is an important part of our path. Sometimes when we’re pursuing long-term goals, however, we get discouraged at how long it is taking and lose motivation. It’s important to remember that, while walking a straight line to a goal may seem ideal, sometimes the detours on the ways to our goals

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Kristalle für emotionale Traumata

When you’ve experienced an emotional trauma, it may be difficult to regain your emotional footing. Emotional trauma can affect you long after the event has passed, causing post-traumatic stress that remains buried deeply in your subconscious, waiting to pop back into your conscious mind. Dealing with the trauma as quickly as possible can help you

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Kristalle gegen Depressionen

Jeder fühlt sich von Zeit zu Zeit ein wenig traurig, aber wenn diese Traurigkeit anhält, kann sie sich zu einer chronischen Depression auswachsen. Depressionen können sich auf Körper, Geist und Seele auswirken und anhaltende körperliche Schmerzen und Langeweile verursachen, die Sie daran hindern, ein lebendiges, freudiges und produktives Leben zu führen. Wenn Sie an einer kurz- oder langfristigen Depression leiden, versuchen Sie Folgendes

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Kristalle für das Selbstvertrauen

Selbstvertrauen kommt aus Ihrem Solarplexus-Chakra, wo Sie Ihren Sinn für persönliche Identität und Selbstwertgefühl pflegen. Integrität, ein Thema des Herzchakras, spielt ebenfalls eine Rolle für das Selbstvertrauen, denn es ist schwierig, selbstbewusst zu sein, wenn man nicht seine Wahrheit lebt und ausspricht. Um selbstbewusster zu werden, sollten Sie diesen beiden Chakren große Aufmerksamkeit schenken,

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Kristalle für spirituelle und emotionale Reinigung

Just as you need to bathe to cleanse your physical body, sometimes you may also feel in need of an emotional or spiritual cleansing. Using cleansing techniques can help remove any lingering negativity, leaving you feeling refreshed and renewed. Consider cleansing after periods of negativity, or if you’re just feeling that you need to refresh

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Kristalle für Veränderung & Akzeptanz

Many people find change difficult because they fear the unknown. They prefer to remain with something they know, even if it brings them pain or discomfort, rather than face an uncertain future. However, change is a necessary and natural part of life. The nature of the universe is constant change, and without it, we can’t

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