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Beliebte ätherische Öle bei den Tierkreiszeichen

Popular Essential Oils among Zodiac SignsEach oil below is unique to a particular zodiac sign and helps offset the potential extremes of each sign in order to bring every member of the zodiac into balance and help you begin your journey toward enhanced clarity and growth.Aries (March 21 – April 20) – PeppermintThose born under […]

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Das Kronenchakra

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)The highest of the 7 chakras represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. The Crown Chakra is linked to wisdom, inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure happiness.Location: Top of the headEmotional problems affecting the Crown Chakra: Obsessive attachment/belief in spirituality, closed-mindedness, living in fantasy rather connected with the self and reality.Physical health

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The Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)The Third Eye Chakra governs our ability to focus, think and make decisions. It also regulates our sleep and wake time.Location: Forehead, between the eyebrows.Emotional problems affecting the Third Eye Chakra: Refusal of spirituality, poor clarity of a situation, poor concentration.Physical health problems affecting the Third Eye Chakra: insomnia, migraines, sinusitis, poor vision.Color: IndigoHealing exercises: Adjustments of the

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The Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra (Vishuddi) The Throat Chakra has to do with our ability to communicate. Location: Throat Emotional problems affecting the Throat Chakra: Poor communication, arrogance, gossips, secrets are few of the main factors that can affect the Throat Chakra. Speaking from an emotional point of view, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem are among the symptoms caused by a dysfunctional Throat

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The Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra (Anahata)The Heart Chakra influences our ability to love and the altruistic aspirations.Location: At the center of the chest, just above the heart.Emotional problems affecting the Heart Chakra: People who present an energetic disequilibrium in this chakra tend to be ruled by their emotions, but they also present a high tolerance to the point of neglecting themselves. Additionally, they

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Das Solarplexus-Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)The Solar Plexus Chakra governs our ability to be self-confident and to control our own lives.Location: The upper abdomen in the stomach area.Emotional problems affecting the Solar Plexus Chakra: Traumatic experiences can block the proper function of this chakra, causing eating disorders, sense of perfectionism and criticism towards people or the self. For this chakra, meditation

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Das Sakralchakra

Sakralchakra (Swadhisthana)Das Sakralchakra steht für unsere Verbundenheit und die Fähigkeit, andere Menschen und neue Erfahrungen zu akzeptieren: Emotionale Probleme, die das Sakralchakra betreffen: Gefühl der Fülle, des Wohlbefindens, der Freude, der Sexualität. Da das Sakralchakra einen starken Einfluss auf die Sexualität hat, kann ein Energieungleichgewicht zu Sexsucht, emotionaler Abgehobenheit und einer Neigung zu ungesundem und riskantem Verhalten führen.

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Das Wurzelchakra

Wurzelchakra (Muladhara)Das Wurzelchakra ist unser Fundament und das Gefühl, mit der Erde verbunden, geerdet zu sein.Lage: Emotionale Probleme, die das Wurzelchakra betreffen: Überlebensprobleme wie Geld oder Nahrung. Ein unausgewogenes Wurzelchakra kann große Unsicherheit, Reizbarkeit und Besessenheit von materialistischen Aspekten verursachen.

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12 Häuser des Tierkreises

Wie eine Uhr ist der Tierkreis in 12 Segmente oder Häuser unterteilt, von denen jedes von einem anderen Zeichen regiert wird. der Tierkreis beginnt mit dem ersten Haus und geht gegen den Uhrzeigersinn um das erste Haus herum. jedes Haus ist mit einer Reihe von Eigenschaften verbunden, die mit dem Selbst beginnen und sich auf die Gesellschaft und darüber hinaus ausdehnen. In dem Moment, in dem Sie geboren wurden, ist das

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Crystals for Self-Esteem & Self-Worth

Many things can happen throughout our lives that affect our self-worth. We may internalize messages we hear in our childhood and carry them with us throughout our lives, we may behave in ways that aren’t consistent with our integrity, or we may have failed relationships that make us feel unworthy of love. Self-esteem is a

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Crystals for Relationships

Having healthy relationships involves a number of factors, including self-esteem, love, and communication, which are all qualities of the three middle chakras: the solar plexus, the heart, and the throat. Using crystals that concentrate on these chakras can help strengthen your relationships.I have healthy, productive, and happy relationships.MeditationPerform this meditation with the person with whom

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Crystals for Prosperity

Being truly prosperous in life is about more than having plenty of money. True prosperity dwells in body, mind, and spirit, bringing you health, happiness, good relationships, fulfilling work, plenty of love, and financial well-being. Many people struggle with prosperity because they believe they don’t deserve it, or that in being prosperous, they will be

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