Jupiter’s Influence on Your Personality & Values

Where is Jupiter located in your natal chart? Learn what Jupiter, the planet of abundance, prosperity, and good fortune, means in your sign.

Jupiter relates to the optimism and confidence that allows you to reach for life’s rewards. Your benevolent urge to give to others, your belief systems, and your personal philosophy of living.

The sign that Jupiter is transiting at birth will affect the interpretation of your Geburtsdiagramm, Jupiter’s influence on your good fortune or lack thereof can be assessed. The house where Jupiter is placed can indicate what areas of your life can expect expansion and success. The house that Jupiter rules will also be affected either positively or negatively, depending on the aspects it receives from other planets.

The position of Jupiter in your birth chart can indicate where your fortunate opportunities can be found. This benevolent planet shows where you have the most room to expand and the areas in which you will get the best out of life.

Jupiter symbol

Are you a generous person? Do you seem to attract success through your close associations? Are you able to turn your ideas into profit? Does your luck work for you when you need it most? If you answer yes to these questions, Jupiter is well-aspected in your Geburtshoroskop.

Jupiter directs the expansive urge to reach out and improve situations in your life by taking advantage of the opportunities that come your way. Overcoming difficulties may be satisfying, but expanding into new areas of growth allows life to be more of a celebration—this is the path of Jupiter.

Don’t know your Jupiter sign? Use the table below the interpretations to determine the sign position of your natal Jupiter.

Jupiter in Aries

Having Jupiter in Widder, you’re an outgoing, adventuresome free spirit who spreads enthusiasm and good cheer far and wide. Challenges excite you, and there are few that you are unwilling to tackle, even those that might intimidate others. But optimism can soar and prompt you to overextend your time and energy by taking on too much. Think about the realities before you move ahead, rather than set yourself up for failure. Although you can be impulsive at times, quick action helps you snap up opportunities.

Luck follows you in professions where you can be your own boss. Confident and enthusiastic, you are a natural leader capable of running organizations, groups, and businesses. You have original ideas and make swifter progress by relying on your own opinions and abilities. You can be a bit bullying and are sometimes quite extravagant in your spending. This position of Jupiter fosters an ability to win over influential people and obtain their help in your career.

Jupiter in Taurus

Taurus is the money sign of the zodiac and Jupiter brings abundance. With Jupiter in Taurus, you’re financially lucky, plus you have the common sense it takes to successfully manage money matters to your benefit. You also acquire and are attached to your many possessions and rarely let go of anything, even when it’s outlived its usefulness. Weight gain is possible because good food and comfort are a way of life. Your practical vision is excellent for big-picture planning. Many individuals with Jupiter in Taurus amass considerable assets, and higher education further increases the odds in their favor.

You are successful in fields where finances are prominent, such as banking and stocks and bonds, and investments are likely to bring reward. You are conservative about the way you handle money, security is extremely important to you. (If Jupiter is afflicted, however, you will overspend on luxuries for yourself, this is also true if Venus is prominent in your chart.)

Jupiter in Gemini

With Jupiter in Gemini, you’re fun-loving and talkative, and curiosity fuels your perpetual quest for information. You know a lot about many things, but tend to scatter your mental energies rather than limit your focus to a specific area of expertise. That’s the result of your versatile, intelligent mind and high boredom factor. You can turn this potential weakness into a strength by striving for excellence in a single area where you can profit from all the miscellaneous data stored in your brain. Gemini is the sign of communication, and with Jupiter in Gemini, you profit financially in ventures where communicating is prominent.

Being blessed with an adventurous attitude, you have a knack for getting into advantageous situations. Though you don’t necessarily look for moneymaking opportunities, these usually come to you through the many friends and contacts that you acquire. You are versatile and clever, and often make a name for yourself in more than one profession. A change in vocation at one point in your life is almost certain.

Jupiter in Cancer

This is one of the luckiest positions Jupiter can be in. You have a wonderful disposition and are good-humored, funny, and optimistic. You are popular wherever you go, and this opens many doors for you. You will probably acquire enough material possessions by the time you reach middle age to ensure that your later years are peaceful and secure. Hunches are often on target, especially in money matters.

Family ties are generally positive and supportive, and you cherish fond memories of special moments with close friends and loved ones. Home life is an equally important focus, and you strive to create a welcoming, warm, and caring environment. Many individuals with Jupiter in Cancer adopt family beliefs as their own and never waiver from them, partly out of loyalty. Sympathetic and kind, you’re among the first to give to those in need as well as those you love. You make excellent parents and your children tend to bring you benefits.

Jupiter in Leo

Jupiter in Leo bestows an extraordinary public appeal. You love being in the limelight and doing things on a grand scale. Generous and loving, you nevertheless expect admiration and thus can be prone to an inflated ego. Creativity, loyalty, and leadership are strengths, as are optimism and the ability to energize and motivate others.

Your full potential is achieved through leadership, you are wretchedly unhappy if forced to stay on the lowest rung. You think big, are ambitious and have a penchant for grandeur and extravagant display. In professions where this is useful, such as the entertainment industry, the world of fashion, and high-powered selling jobs, you are predestined to succeed. Jupiter gives you personal charm and warmhearted vitality. Other people want to do things for you, and you often benefit from influential friends. Your taste for luxury and designer labels can become an expensive indulgence.

Jupiter in Virgo

If you have this Jupiter position you are smart, analytical, and persevering. You’re excellent with details and also have an eye for the big picture, giving you a unique combination of talents. Jupiter in the practical sign of Virgo gives you a capacity for making a success of a hobby or a pastime. Many famous individuals with this placement start out with a shoestring and build empires. The power of Jupiter surrounds you in intellectual pursuits, but the difference between individuals with Jupiter in Virgo and other intellectual signs is that Virgos have an uncommon amount of common sense.

You are also superb at handling detail and do your best work a step at a time. Work can become the driving force in your life, even to the point of consuming almost all of your waking hours. Satisfaction and rewards fuel your desire for more, but you also can overextend yourself. The result, sooner or later, will be burnout, so reprogram your thinking to include regular downtime. At times you can get stuck in analysis and be overly critical.

Jupiter in Libra

Jupiter in Libra bestows a magnetic and charming personality. Luck comes to you through your artistic talents and your eye for beauty and harmony. Many individuals with this placement are talented musicians, painters, interior decorators, fashion designers, and art collectors. You have a knack for getting your talent on display and winning friends in high places. You like to entertain, and many of your allies are won in the relaxed and genial atmosphere you are able to create. Naturally friendly, helpful, and enthusiastic, you encourage and inspire others to excel. In turn, they bring you luck, and you could benefit financially through a business or romantic partner. You benefit from marriage, which often brings social position and wealth, and sometimes an entry into the business world.

Relying on others can become a pattern, however, when independence would better serve your interests. You’re an astute observer of human nature, and people value your advice. Although you steer clear of conflict, you will take a stand to ensure justice and fairness, and at times you put others and their needs and desires first to maintain harmony.

Jupiter in Scorpio

Jupiter in Scorpio bestows a very powerful influence on your willpower and personal magnetism. You delve deep into any subject that interests you, researching every facet until you’ve mastered the knowledge or acquired enough to suit your needs. However, you can overdo it and develop an intense emotional involvement that limits your perspective. Step back periodically for a fresh look. At times, you can be secretive and suspicious of others’ motives. That’s an asset when used positively to protect your interests, but not if it undermines your financial objectives. Many people with Jupiter in Scorpio amass sizable assets through hard work and determination.

Luck also comes to you through your strong attraction to the opposite sex. Often the door is opened to career and financial opportunities because of sexual liaisons. You possess shrewdness in money matters, and many individuals with this placement have a Midas touch for picking lucrative investments.

Jupiter in Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the sign that Jupiter rules, and the planet’s expansive, generous qualities are emphasized. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, you are a person who likes to live well, you have a free hand when it comes to spending. Fortunately, you usually attract financial luck more often than not, and calculated risks can pay off handsomely for you. No other Jupiter position augurs as much success in this area. You also have an instinct for turning ideas into cash, you think big and profit accordingly. You also tend to marry well, and many individuals with this placement inherit money. Jupiter in Sagittarius, though, does not make your personality crass or materialistic. You are high-minded and idealistic. You will often give up a well-paying position if it doesn’t suit your inner calling.

Upbeat and enthusiastic, you’re also a deep thinker who enjoys philosophical discussions and mental journeys as much as travel. Your lifetime quest for knowledge makes you a perpetual learner, both in and out of the classroom, and you willingly share all you know to help others. Also generous with your time and talents, you expect nothing in return for favors granted. But be careful of a tendency to put too much faith in others and their promises. Balance optimism with reality.

Jupiter in Capricorn

In the strong, materialistic sign of Capricorn, Jupiter’s power is expressed through ambition. With Jupiter in Capricorn, you gain a high position in life through hard work and fierce willpower. You have an innate understanding of the principles of expansion and contraction, and a talent for practical vision. Opportunities come to you, and others are of your own making. You’re somewhat cautious but also quick to follow through on anything with real potential to advance your career and status. Jupiter in Capricorn confers an instinct for business, you are a discerning trader and tend to handle finances conservatively. Others may notice a curious mixture of economy and extravagance in your spending habits. You may pinch nickels but will be lavish with large sums. This can be useful in business: You are able to keep to a budget but are not afraid to spend when you have to.

Ambitious and success-and money-motivated, you have the common sense to know that advancement is a step-by-step process that requires goals, planning, and timing, along with your strong work ethic. Success isn’t a flash in the pan with you. It is achieved gradually, but over the long term you tend to reach the top because you are disciplined.

Jupiter in Aquarius

You’re tolerant yet unpredictable and stubborn at times, with a life philosophy that’s uniquely yours. You set your own personal standards and faithfully live by them. High on your list is injustice, you see equality as the only acceptable norm. Jupiter in Aquarius contributes to a magnetic ability to win friends. You value people—and your many friends—for their individuality and accept them as they are, even if you don’t necessarily agree with their decisions and choices. You usually find good fortune through your friends and unexpected opportunities.

You easily become bored when the sole purpose of an activity is to make money and usually find your best opportunities in professions where a broader view is necessary. One of the nicest benefits of Jupiter in this sign is that you bring luck to others. You have a sharp intuition about human nature coupled with idealism. Humanitarian causes, groups, and organizations appeal to you, and many benefit from your involvement and leadership. Some individuals with Jupiter in Aquarius are prone to be activists and instrumental in social change.

Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter is strong in Pisces because it endows you with the power to appeal to emotions. You’re known for your compassion and generosity. Work in which you deal directly with others, especially where there is a high level of feeling, will bring success. Helping others gives you great satisfaction, and people appreciate your kind and understanding nature. This is especially true for those who enter the healing arts. But these fine qualities also encourage less-ethical people to take advantage of you. Be wise and good to yourself: weigh each request on its merits, and do your best to remove emotions from the equation. Not everyone is deserving of your sympathy, so temper your idealism with reality.

You ultimately attract fortune because of your likeableness and popularity. Jupiter in Pisces also accentuates imagination, creativity, wisdom, and high ideals. In general, you do your best work in fields in which you help humanity. Many people with this placement are intuitive or psychic. Guard against self-indulgence in any form.

Use the table below to look up your Jupiter sign:

Aug 27, 1920 – 1:29 AM — Sep 25, 1921 – 7:10 PM : Jungfrau

Aug 25, 1945 – 2:06 AM — Sep 25, 1946 – 6:19 AM : Waage

Sep 25, 1946 – 6:19 AM — Oct 23, 1947 – 10:00 PM : Skorpion

Oct 23, 1947 – 10:00 PM — Nov 15, 1948 – 5:38 AM : Schütze

Nov 15, 1948 – 5:38 AM — Apr 12, 1949 – 2:18 PM : Steinbock

Apr 12, 1949 – 2:18 PM — June 27, 1949 – 2:29 PM : Wassermann

June 27, 1949 – 2:29 PM — Nov 30, 1949 – 3:08 PM : Steinbock

Nov 30, 1949 – 3:08 PM — Apr 15, 1950 – 3:58 AM : Wassermann

Apr 15, 1950 – 3:58 AM — Sep 14, 1950 – 10:23 PM : Fische

Sep 14, 1950 – 10:23 PM — Dec 1, 1950 – 2:57 PM : Wassermann

Dec 1, 1950 – 2:57 PM — Apr 21, 1951 – 9:57 AM : Fische

Apr 21, 1951 – 9:57 AM — Apr 28, 1952 – 4:50 PM : Widder

Apr 28, 1952 – 4:50 PM — May 9, 1953 – 11:33 AM : Stier

May 9, 1953 – 11:33 AM — May 24, 1954 – 12:43 AM : Zwillinge

May 24, 1954 – 12:43 AM — June 12, 1955 – 8:07 PM : Krebs

June 12, 1955 – 8:07 PM — Nov 17, 1955 – 1:01 AM : Leo

Nov 17, 1955 – 1:01 AM — Jan 17, 1956 – 9:04 PM : Jungfrau

Jan 17, 1956 – 9:04 PM — July 7, 1956 – 3:01 PM : Leo

July 7, 1956 – 3:01 PM — Dec 12, 1956 – 9:17 PM : Jungfrau

Dec 12, 1956 – 9:17 PM — Feb 19, 1957 – 10:37 AM : Waage

Feb 19, 1957 – 10:37 AM — Aug 6, 1957 – 10:11 PM : Jungfrau

Aug 6, 1957 – 10:11 PM — Jan 13, 1958 – 7:52 AM : Waage

Jan 13, 1958 – 7:52 AM — Mar 20, 1958 – 2:13 PM : Skorpion

Mar 20, 1958 – 2:13 PM — Sep 7, 1958 – 4:52 AM : Waage

Sep 7, 1958 – 4:52 AM — Feb 10, 1959 – 8:46 AM : Skorpion

Feb 10, 1959 – 8:46 AM — Apr 24, 1959 – 9:10 AM : Schütze

Apr 24, 1959 – 9:10 AM — Oct 5, 1959 – 10:40 AM : Skorpion

Oct 5, 1959 – 10:40 AM — Mar 1, 1960 – 8:10 AM : Schütze

Mar 1, 1960 – 8:10 AM — June 9, 1960 – 9:52 PM : Steinbock

June 9, 1960 – 9:52 PM — Oct 25, 1960 – 11:01 PM : Schütze

Oct 25, 1960 – 11:01 PM — Mar 15, 1961 – 3:01 AM : Steinbock

Mar 15, 1961 – 3:01 AM — Aug 12, 1961 – 4:54 AM : Wassermann

Aug 12, 1961 – 4:54 AM — Nov 3, 1961 – 9:49 PM : Steinbock

Nov 3, 1961 – 9:49 PM — Mar 25, 1962 – 5:07 PM : Wassermann

Mar 25, 1962 – 5:07 PM — Apr 3, 1963 – 10:19 PM : Fische

Apr 3, 1963 – 10:19 PM — Apr 12, 1964 – 1:52 AM : Widder

Apr 12, 1964 – 1:52 AM — Apr 22, 1965 – 9:32 AM : Stier

Apr 22, 1965 – 9:32 AM — Sep 21, 1965 – 1:40 AM : Zwillinge

Sep 21, 1965 – 1:40 AM — Nov 16, 1965 – 10:08 PM : Krebs

Nov 16, 1965 – 10:08 PM — May 5, 1966 – 10:52 AM : Zwillinge

May 5, 1966 – 10:52 AM — Sep 27, 1966 – 9:19 AM : Krebs

Sep 27, 1966 – 9:19 AM — Jan 15, 1967 – 10:50 PM : Leo

Jan 15, 1967 – 10:50 PM — May 23, 1967 – 4:21 AM : Krebs

May 23, 1967 – 4:21 AM — Oct 19, 1967 – 6:51 AM : Leo

Oct 19, 1967 – 6:51 AM — Feb 26, 1968 – 10:33 PM : Jungfrau

Feb 26, 1968 – 10:33 PM — June 15, 1968 – 10:44 AM : Leo

June 15, 1968 – 10:44 AM — Nov 15, 1968 – 5:44 PM : Jungfrau

Nov 15, 1968 – 5:44 PM — Mar 30, 1969 – 4:36 PM : Waage

Mar 30, 1969 – 4:36 PM — July 15, 1969 – 9:30 AM : Jungfrau

July 15, 1969 – 9:30 AM — Dec 16, 1969 – 10:55 AM : Waage

Dec 16, 1969 – 10:55 AM — Apr 30, 1970 – 2:43 AM : Skorpion

Apr 30, 1970 – 2:43 AM — Aug 15, 1970 – 1:58 PM : Waage

Aug 15, 1970 – 1:58 PM — Jan 14, 1971 – 3:49 AM : Skorpion

Jan 14, 1971 – 3:49 AM — June 4, 1971 – 10:12 PM : Schütze

June 4, 1971 – 10:12 PM — Sep 11, 1971 – 11:33 AM : Skorpion

Sep 11, 1971 – 11:33 AM — Feb 6, 1972 – 2:37 PM : Schütze

Feb 6, 1972 – 2:37 PM — July 24, 1972 – 12:42 PM : Steinbock

July 24, 1972 – 12:42 PM — Sep 25, 1972 – 2:20 PM : Schütze

Sep 25, 1972 – 2:20 PM — Feb 23, 1973 – 4:28 AM : Steinbock

Feb 23, 1973 – 4:28 AM — Mar 8, 1974 – 6:11 AM : Wassermann

Mar 8, 1974 – 6:11 AM — Mar 18, 1975 – 11:47 AM : Fische

Mar 18, 1975 – 11:47 AM — Mar 26, 1976 – 5:25 AM : Widder

Mar 26, 1976 – 5:25 AM — Aug 23, 1976 – 6:24 AM : Stier

Aug 23, 1976 – 6:24 AM — Oct 16, 1976 – 4:24 PM : Zwillinge

Oct 16, 1976 – 4:24 PM — Apr 3, 1977 – 10:42 AM : Stier

Apr 3, 1977 – 10:42 AM — Aug 20, 1977 – 8:43 AM : Zwillinge

Aug 20, 1977 – 8:43 AM — Dec 30, 1977 – 6:50 PM : Krebs

Dec 30, 1977 – 6:50 PM — Apr 11, 1978 – 7:12 PM : Zwillinge

Apr 11, 1978 – 7:12 PM — Sep 5, 1978 – 4:31 AM : Krebs

Sep 5, 1978 – 4:31 AM — Feb 28, 1979 – 6:35 PM : Leo

Feb 28, 1979 – 6:35 PM — Apr 20, 1979 – 3:30 AM : Krebs

Apr 20, 1979 – 3:30 AM — Sep 29, 1979 – 6:23 AM : Leo

Sep 29, 1979 – 6:23 AM — Oct 27, 1980 – 5:10 AM : Jungfrau

Oct 27, 1980 – 5:10 AM — Nov 26, 1981 – 9:19 PM : Waage

Nov 26, 1981 – 9:19 PM — Dec 25, 1982 – 8:57 PM : Skorpion

Dec 25, 1982 – 8:57 PM — Jan 19, 1984 – 10:04 AM : Schütze

Jan 19, 1984 – 10:04 AM — Feb 6, 1985 – 10:35 AM : Steinbock

Feb 6, 1985 – 10:35 AM — Feb 20, 1986 – 11:05 AM : Wassermann

Feb 20, 1986 – 11:05 AM — Mar 2, 1987 – 1:41 PM : Fische

Mar 2, 1987 – 1:41 PM — Mar 8, 1988 – 10:44 AM : Widder

Mar 8, 1988 – 10:44 AM — July 21, 1988 – 8:00 PM : Stier

July 21, 1988 – 8:00 PM — Nov 30, 1988 – 3:53 PM : Zwillinge

Nov 30, 1988 – 3:53 PM — Mar 10, 1989 – 10:26 PM : Stier

Mar 10, 1989 – 10:26 PM — July 30, 1989 – 7:50 PM : Zwillinge

July 30, 1989 – 7:50 PM — Aug 18, 1990 – 3:30 AM : Krebs

Aug 18, 1990 – 3:30 AM — Sep 12, 1991 – 2:00 AM : Leo

Sep 12, 1991 – 2:00 AM — Oct 10, 1992 – 9:26 AM : Jungfrau

Oct 10, 1992 – 9:26 AM — Nov 10, 1993 – 3:15 AM : Waage

Nov 10, 1993 – 3:15 AM — Dec 9, 1994 – 5:54 AM : Skorpion

Dec 9, 1994 – 5:54 AM — Jan 3, 1996 – 2:22 AM : Schütze

Jan 3, 1996 – 2:22 AM — Jan 21, 1997 – 10:13 AM : Steinbock

Jan 21, 1997 – 10:13 AM — Feb 4, 1998 – 5:52 AM : Wassermann

Feb 4, 1998 – 5:52 AM — Feb 12, 1999 – 8:23 PM : Fische

Feb 12, 1999 – 8:23 PM — June 28, 1999 – 5:29 AM : Widder

June 28, 1999 – 5:29 AM — Oct 23, 1999 – 1:48 AM : Stier

Oct 23, 1999 – 1:48 AM — Feb 14, 2000 – 4:40 PM : Widder

Feb 14, 2000 – 4:40 PM — June 30, 2000 – 3:35 AM : Stier

June 30, 2000 – 3:35 AM — July 12, 2001 – 8:03 PM : Zwillinge

July 12, 2001 – 8:03 PM — Aug 1, 2002 – 1:20 PM : Krebs

Aug 1, 2002 – 1:20 PM — Aug 27, 2003 – 5:26 AM : Leo

Aug 27, 2003 – 5:26 AM — Sep 24, 2004 – 11:23 PM : Jungfrau

Sep 24, 2004 – 11:23 PM — Oct 25, 2005 – 10:51 PM : Waage

Oct 25, 2005 – 10:51 PM — Nov 24, 2006 – 1:43 AM : Skorpion

Nov 24, 2006 – 1:43 AM — Dec 18, 2007 – 3:11 PM : Schütze

Dec 18, 2007 – 3:11 PM — Jan 5, 2009 – 10:41 AM : Steinbock

Jan 5, 2009 – 10:41 AM — Jan 17, 2010 – 9:10 PM : Wassermann

Jan 17, 2010 – 9:10 PM — June 6, 2010 – 2:27 AM : Fische

June 6, 2010 – 2:27 AM — Sep 9, 2010 – 12:49 AM : Widder

Sep 9, 2010 – 12:49 AM — Jan 22, 2011 – 12:11 PM : Fische

Jan 22, 2011 – 12:11 PM — Jun 4, 2011 – 9:56 AM : Widder

Jun 4, 2011 – 9:56 AM — Jun 11, 2012 – 1:22 PM : Stier

Jun 11, 2012 – 1:22 PM — Jun 25, 2013 – 9:40 PM : Zwillinge

Jun 25, 2013 – 9:40 PM — Jul 16, 2014 – 6:30 AM : Krebs

Jul 16, 2014 – 6:30 AM — Aug 11, 2015 – 7:11 AM : Leo

Aug 11, 2015 – 7:11 AM — Sep 9, 2016 – 7:18 AM : Jungfrau

Sep 9, 2016 – 7:18 AM — Oct 10, 2017 – 9:20 AM : Waage

Oct 10, 2017 – 9:20 AM — Nov 8, 2018 – 7:38 AM : Skorpion

Nov 8, 2018 – 7:38 AM — Dec 2, 2019 – 1:20 PM : Schütze

Dec 2, 2019 – 1:20 PM — Dec 19, 2020 – 8:07 AM : Steinbock

Dec 19, 2020 – 8:07 AM — May 13, 2021 – 6:36 PM : Wassermann

May 13, 2021 – 6:36 PM — Jul 28, 2021 – 8:42 AM : Fische

Jul 28, 2021 – 8:42 AM — Dec 28, 2021 – 11:09 PM : Wassermann

Dec 28, 2021 – 11:09 PM — May 10, 2022 – 7:22 PM : Fische

May 10, 2022 – 7:22 PM — Oct 28, 2022 – 1:10 AM : Widder

Oct 28, 2022 – 1:10 AM — Dec 20, 2022 – 9:32 AM : Fische

Dec 20, 2022 – 9:32 AM — May 16, 2023 – 1:20 PM : Widder

May 16, 2023 – 1:20 PM — May 25, 2024 – 7:14 PM : Stier
