What are Sigils?

A sigil, or magical symbol, is a sort of “shorthand” for a ritual intention: a “barcode”, if you will, that invokes a particular intent.

This intention can be for the Manifestation of whatever you are looking for in your life. Whether it be for financial abundance, love, job, or anything else you are looking to manifest, a sigil may work for you.

Sigils target your intentions energy into your subconscious, they serve as unconscious triggers toward your goals.

Your subconscious is much more powerful than your conscious mind, since it doesn’t doubt itself at all and can work independently of the conscience, which means that subconsciously-driven intentions tend to be stronger and “purer.”

Sigils cut out the middleman, so to speak. Instead of using ritual or any of the traditional trappings of magic to put the conscious mind into the right kind of mental state, a sigil connects directly with the subconscious by representing the entirety of your intention.

When the infinite power of the subconscious gets put to work behind the scenes, you can quickly manifests your intentions in big ways. Your subconscious mind is the driving force behind your manifestation abilities. All manifestation practices are simply methods for embedding conscious desires upon your subconscious mind.

If you want to talk to your subconscious in the most direct way possible, symbols are the way to go. That’s because the native language of our subconscious is the language of symbolism. This is where sigils come in.

The key to manifesting with Sigils is powerful intentions free of einschränkende Glaubenssätze.
