Moon in Aquarius

Aquarius is a most favorable sign for the Moon to be in, for here the Moon’s influence confers admirable qualities of sensitivity and perception. Aquarius is the astrological sign of rational thinking and humanitarianism; in this sign the Moon’s effect is to bestow clear logic with altruistic concerns. If you have the Moon in Aquarius you are rational, intuitive, and imaginative. Your senses are well balanced and accurate. Your immediate reaction to impressions you receive from the outside world is to deal with them in a scientific, open-minded way and at the same time try to understand them from the human point of view. There are no extremes of temperament in this lunar position. You are neither too emotional nor too cerebral; you are visionary but not eccentric.

A Moon-Aquarian has a wonderful gift for expression. You crackle with vitality, are a witty conversationalist, and make a delightful companion. Your friendliness charms all types of people—indeed, you’re people-oriented, sociable, and outgoing, interested in other people’s problems. However, unlike Moon water signs (Moon-Cancer, Moon-Scorpio, Moon-Pisces), you never become so emotionally involved that it changes your own life. There is a balance that runs through your Beziehungen.

The passions of Aquarius-Moon people are passions of the mind. You are interested in ideas, philosophy, higher learning. You enjoy science and mathematics, as well as art, music, literature. Again, I repeat, you are not a person of extremes. You are well-rounded intellectually, for you have a wide range of interests in many different fields and associate with a large number of varied people.

Aquarius is the sign of future knowledge, and as a Moon-native you are interested in the unknown and what lies ahead. Many lunar Aquarians seem to be clairvoyant, to see things before they happen. On the other hand, you are not especially practical or down to earth. It can be said that you have a wide outlook but short sight. You tend to see things in terms of large concepts, but when it comes to the hard work and sweaty toil of turning a concept into a reality, you are likely to drift off in search of a new idea. Moon-Aquarians are often known as giants in promise and pygmies in performance. The unusual—in people, in places, and in projects—is what interests you most.

In love, lunar Aquarians have a butterfly quality—alighting for a while to sample an experience, flitting off to find something new. You are inclined to be somewhat ambivalent about love affairs. While you have a strong romantic streak, you also have a horror of being suffocated by another person’s demands. You cannot bear possessive, jealous lovers, and you’re often drawn to emotionally unavailable types. Unconsciously, you choose people who shun you; the less interested someone is in you, the more interested you become. In your early years you spend a lot of time trying to figure out what you want as opposed to what you think you want, swinging back and forth between romantic longing and feeling totally detached.

You seek a fine balance between commitment and independence, and many Aquarius-Moon people go through a number of unsatisfactory amours. When you do marry (often in later years), the Beziehung quickly becomes as much friend-and-companion as husband-and-wife. To you, the most important glue in a relationship is communication. In general, male lunar-Aquarians have a somewhat easier time emotionally than female Moon-Aquarians, apparently because it is still more socially acceptable for males to be intellectual and emotionally detached.

No matter what your Sun sign may be, the Aquarius- Moon qualities of intelligence and individualism run through your personality. If your Sun is in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), an Aquarius Moon emphasizes your superior mental gifts and ability to deal successfully with different kinds of personalities; this is a successful combination for people in the field of communication. If your Sun is in a fire sign (Widder, Leo, Sagittarius), an Aquarius Moon lends imagination and the common touch to your dynamic, exuberant forcefulness; this is a wonderful combination for people in public life. If your Sun is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), an Aquarius Moon adds to your practicality a gift for innovation and original work; this placement is excellent for performing artists. If your Sun is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), an Aquarius Moon accentuates your imaginative, clairvoyant qualities; you have a unique talent for self-expression.

Whatever your Sun sign, an Aquarius Moon gives you an independent, stimulating mind, a persuasive charm with people, and a side to your personality that is always titillated by the unconventional.
