Ihre Stärken und Schwächen mit einer Krebs-Sonne und einem Waage-Mond

The combination of your Cancer Sun and Libra Moon creates a curious blending of independence and dependence, an entwined network of contradictions. The Cancer side of you wants to withdraw and become emotional, the Libra reaches and can remain detached and analytical. There is a constant pull between sheer objectivity and intense emotionalism. You want, and in fact need, companionship. Nonetheless, it’s hard for you to give much of yourself, being sensitive and a trifle introverted. You do seem to absorb other people with a charm that makes them readily respond to you. Socially, you are always a winner, but more so in a large gathering than in twosomes or small groups. In many ways, you are a romantic. You like to have people around you, and you like to receive your fair share of attention and notice for what you do. Yet you may have some difficulty responding in kind. There is a strong self-protective mechanism between you and others, and you seem to keep everyone at arms length with a certain suspicion and analytical cleverness. You have an innate ability to see all the strengths and flaws in those around you, and unless you find few or no weaknesses in a person, it will be very difficult for them to penetrate the barrier and get very close to you.

Ihre größten Stärken

A natural sense of justice, artistic imagination, fine intellect, powers of observation and articulate self-expression, compassion and concern for the welfare of others, love of beauty and harmony, highly original style, scrupulous efforts to be fair and honest with everyone.

Ihre größten Schwächen

Nervous defensiveness and mistrust of others, a perfectionist attitude that makes you nag and complain when things are not ‘right’, a tendency to unwittingly stir up trivial arguments that become storms in a teacup, proneness to rationalize away all your dependence on others and your idiosyncrasies and self-protectiveness.

Ihr Mondzeichen Einzigartige Mondphase

Die Mondphase, in der Sie geboren sind, verfeinert Ihr Mondzeichen weiter und offenbart mehr über Ihr inneres Wesen, als Sie sich vorstellen können. Vielleicht werden Sie zu bestimmten Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen oder Denkweisen hingezogen. Das Wissen um diese Veranlagungen kann Ihnen helfen, sie zu nutzen - oder zu vermeiden.

Wurden Sie an einem Waage-Vollmond geboren? Oder war es ein abnehmender Waage-Gibbous-Mond? Und was hat das alles zu bedeuten?

Um herauszufinden, was Ihr Mondzeichen und Ihre Mondphase über Sie verraten, Holen Sie sich hier ein kostenloses persönliches Video-Mondlesen.


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