Pisces Sun with Scorpio Moon and Scorpio Rising

Sun in Pisces with Moon in Scorpio and Scorpio Rising Personality Traits:

Pisces Sun Scorpio Moon Scorpio Rising
Pisces Sun Scorpio Moon Scorpio Rising

Truly, madly, deeply emotional – that is you. Overflowing with feeling, you are entirely subjective in approaching life and people. For better or for worse, your emotions, convictions, and opinions rule you.

Having a Pisces Sun Scorpio Moon, you are enormously perceptive about people, motives, and the vagaries of human nature, you could be drawn into detective work where your morbid fantasies can run riot. Likewise, you may find yourself in medical or scientific research where your intuitive hunches and deeply searching mind can come together to make healing discoveries for humankind. Or the world of psychology and alternative therapies may lure you into its fascinating realm of the underworld, for you are amazingly at home with the unconscious and all that is there, including madness. Private and brooding, but feeling like an open book, you are often like a crucible where the whole gamut of human emotions play themselves out.

Strongly intuitive, you are aware of various levels of interaction between and among people, and in any sort of gathering your quiet strength and intensity is felt by others. You can see through anyone, and at different times easily identify with the ecstatic, the funny, the depressed, and the tragic in your friends and family. You have an instinctive understanding of people and can marshal much compassion for yourself and suffering humanity.

Nevertheless, you can be quite scathing when it comes to criticizing things you do not like or agree with. You can suddenly dig in your heels and become stubborn and cantankerous. This can develop into a negative tendency of jumping to emotionally charged conclusions, not realizing that rigid feelings and notions about issues prevent you from getting genuine new input and insight. And if these judgments are based on dark suspicions and fears, you will often end up needlessly sabotaging your own happiness.

Although you tune in sympathetically to people, you have difficulty in articulating your emotions, and can get terribly frustrated with feeling misunderstood. But once you have decided something is worth your effort you are blessed with fanatic dedication and perseverance. Hence you are fiercely loyal to your partner when you have found the right person, even though he or she may never completely fathom your private depths.

With a Pisces Sun Scorpio Moon, your intellectual capacity is truly amazing when you get beyond your prejudices, and you could be interested in all manner of mysteries and miracles, including birth, death, reincarnation and the ancient wisdom traditions. In fact, to compensate for your tremendous emotional bias, you may swing into very heady areas, such as math and computing, in order to keep a grip on life. You can appear to be laughing at yourself and taking things lightly when actually an awareness of the gravity of life and all its pain and injustices never leaves you. You prefer your own company much of the time; in silence you analyze and work things out for yourself.

Keywords For A Pisces Sun Scorpio Moon:

Emotional; intuitive; psychological insight; the agony and the ecstasy; passionate; complex; stubborn; rich imagination; strong in adversity; helpful; the will to expose exploitation and hardship; embraces the comic and tragic together; self-sacrifice v. self-control.

Skorpion aufsteigend

Wenn Sie mit dem Aszendenten Skorpion geboren wurden, setzen Sie die ganze Kraft Ihrer Persönlichkeit hinter alles, was Sie tun. Sie sind kein halbherziger Mensch. Menschen mit dem Aszendenten Skorpion haben eine Intensität, eine Dynamik, die unter der Oberfläche brodelt und wühlt. Ihre Willenskraft und Entschlossenheit sind beeindruckend.

Having Scorpio Rising, though you are sometimes viewed as a lone wolf, you do have an ability to work with people—actually, to lead people. You are strongly persuasive and vigorously pursue your goals, and in addition have the power to make others pursue the same goals.

Klug, kreativ und einfallsreich - mit dem Aszendenten Skorpion scheint Ihr fruchtbarer Geist eine unerschöpfliche Quelle für Ideen und Vorschläge zu sein. Hinter deiner kühlen Fassade tickt dein Gehirn immer weiter. Eines der Dinge, die Sie tun müssen, ist herauszufinden, wie etwas funktioniert, es zu sezieren, zu studieren und wieder zusammenzusetzen, damit es besser funktioniert. Das gilt auch in künstlerischer Hinsicht; Sie können großartige visionäre Arbeit leisten, wenn Sie einen Skorpion-Aufgang in Ihrem Horoskop haben.

As a Scorpio Rising individual you are happiest when you can control from behind the scenes. You tend to be secretive and reserved, and shun the spotlight because you can’t work there unnoticed. If you are domineering, it is a subtle dominance, a kind of mind control.

Some people claim that they are hypnotized by Scorpio Rising individuals; it’s true that you have a way of knowing what others are thinking. Much of this comes from your acute powers of observation. You are a charming, witty conversationalist, but the acute observer will soon notice that it is the other person who is doing most of the talking.

With Scorpio Rising, you are usually quietly watching, waiting, observing— filing away information that will be useful later on. Scorpio Rising individuals have a reputation for a sharp temper; the reputation is deserved. When crossed, you can be cruel and biting. You tend to use any weapon at your disposal—from ridicule to playing on a person’s fears. In the heat of that moment, the Scorpio Rising must be the victor. Later, you are remorseful for having dealt wounds, though it is extremely hard for you to say so.

Skorpion ist das astrologische Zeichen der verborgenen Leidenschaft. Menschen mit dem Aszendenten Skorpion neigen dazu, mindestens einmal in ihrem Leben eine heimliche Liebesaffäre zu haben, und heiraten meist mehr als einmal. Sie erleiden vielleicht mehr finanzielle Rückschläge und Enttäuschungen als andere aufsteigende Zeichen, aber kein anderes Zeichen ist am Ende siegreicher.

Als Skorpionaufsteiger neigen Sie zu scharfen Zügen, einer markanten Nase und großen, hypnotischen Augen. Manchmal sind Ihre Augenbrauen dick und dunkel. Ihr Körper ist agil und bewegt sich entschlossen.

The planet Pluto, which rules Scorpio, is very prominent in your birth chart. The influence of Pluto bestows powerful feelings and emotions, a sense of purpose, persistence, determination, plus the imagination and ability to make a successful start in a new direction. This planet’s influence also favors secrecy, suspicion, jealousy, and cruelty.

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