Aries Man and Cancer Woman Compatibility

An Aries Man and Cancer Woman have a hard time fully getting each other, and the dynamic shows.


Aries Man and Cancer Woman


Cancer women require a gentle partner with their emotions and seek to understand them on an emotional level, which an Aries man has trouble doing. Aries men want a partner who is always ready to adventure and have a good time, which Cancer women can hesitate about at times. Aries men at times can be a bit harsh for Cancer’s liking, and Cancer women are often jumping ahead into the future and planning out their lives which can be stressful for an Aries man trying to stay in the moment. At times this pairing can feel more like a parent/child dynamic where the Cancer woman is scolding the Aries man for not being serious enough, and the Aries man resents the Cancer woman for being too grounded. If these two can communicate about their wants and needs, it could potentially work, but it takes a lot of effort.

Couples in these combinations may frequently scratch their heads and ask “why does he DO that?” Their desires and motivations are expressed in very different ways. The good news is that astrology is actually the perfect tool for couples in this formation to come to understand and appreciate each other. It just takes a little work and flexibility to learn each other’s languages.

You and an Aries Man

It would be unneeded to say an Aries man has fiery emotions because he has practically no other kind. He’s always in search of something that will satisfy his pioneering, ever-aggressive lust for adventure. An Aries Man moves within a self-created aura of excitement and somehow things happen wherever he is.

He won’t be easy to resist. Think it over before you say even a tentative no. Where else will you find a lover as adventurous, original, virile, and vital? A Cancer woman who is attracted to an Aries male should be willing to settle for a brilliant, exciting—and generally short—affair. Romantically, the Aries Man dotes on challenge and novelty. To him, the world is a garden of feminine flowers and he can’t afford to miss the scent of a single lovely bloom. There are so many delights to sample before winter comes. The Aries man is always eager for a new experience. At first, that’s all a Cancer woman represents to him.

However, there is a vulnerable side to this man. The Aries man believes in the Eternal Woman, a romanticized version of the beautiful goddess whom he will sweep off her feet. He doesn’t understand deviousness in a relationship, and if a Cancer woman appears innocent and yielding he won’t look further. If he discovers that he has been duped and taken advantage of, his bewilderment and hurt quickly turn to anger.

Aries men act out sexual fantasies. The minute he finds himself daydreaming about a sexual situation, he sets to work trying to make it a reality. And something about his blunt, direct approach, “the battering ram,” gets results where more subtle means might fail. The Aries Man leaves no doubt of his intention from the first, but comes at you directly. His manner is forceful, aggressive, and winning. He is used to winning. On your first date you’ll learn that you cannot take the lead. The Aries man will tell you where you’re going and when; you can simply relax and leave it all in his capable hands. He is impulsive to the point of rashness. When an Aries man wants you, he wants you. He has no control over his passions and must go anywhere his desires impel him. He doesn’t worry about consequences. The Aries man has energy, imagination, and sheer physical exuberance. Any Cancer woman who has had an Aries man around the house will tell you she had an exciting time— while it lasted.

How a Cancer Woman can Attract an Aries Man

Don’t be timid. Faint heart never won an Aries man or woman. Let the Aries man know how much you admire them right at the beginning. The Aries man will never think you brash if you are paying them a compliment. They feel they deserve it. Be a bit careful, though, about laying it on too thick. They can always spot insincerity.

Aries men think of themselves as intellectuals, so don’t appeal to them purely on a physical plane. They will enjoy a lively discussion of theater, music, politics, or even more esoteric subjects such as history, art, or philosophy. A good suggestion for a date early in the relationship is a sporting event. (With an Aries man, it can never be more than a suggestion.) They are enthusiastic sports fans. If you don’t know much about the game you’re watching, let them explain it to you. They’ll do so in a way that will make it interesting and exciting.

Before an important date, take a nice long nap. An Aries man is not a clock-watcher, and the fun may go on and on into the wee hours. Aries men pick up steam while everyone else is running out of gas. By all means, bring your problems an Aries man. There is nothing they like better than to be asked for advice. They are generous with their time, counsel, money, and sympathy. And there’s an additional advantage. No Aries man is in doubt as to what should be done in any given situation. You’ll get a forthright, black-and-white, no-quibbles-orevasions answer.

Important: Never try to dictate to an Aries man. They don’t know how to take orders. If you want to put an idea into his or her head, do it so that an Aries man thinks the idea originated there.

Things to Explore with an Aries Man:

What do sex, intimacy and affection mean to him?  Does he assume the relationship is monogamous?

What is his attitude toward public displays of affection?

Is he affectionate sometimes but ‘distant’ other times?  The definition of ‘distance’ is very different for the two of you.

Cancer women are extremely demonstrative. He is sometimes, but also likes more personal space.

What is your dream when it comes to sharing a home or having a family? Does he share this dream?

What role does family play in the relationship? An Aries man needs to feel in power. If you usually defer to the patriarch or matriarch of your family, he may get offended because you aren’t deferring to his authority.

These are just some examples. Start here, but also notice what issues usually create tension. Explore these things through conversation. Don’t assume something is ‘wrong’ because he isn’t acting the way you think he ‘should.’ Remember, the two of you play by different rules. Neither is wrong, but as a Cancer Woman, you have to get to know what the rules are.

An Aries man loves to be the hero, so being a Cancer woman in distress definitely gets him to take notice. Once or twice. If he feels like he’s constantly coming to your rescue, though, he’ll get frustrated and lose interest.

Find ways to show your optimistic, confident, and playful side. He’s more drawn to these aspects of a Cancer woman than to drama and conflict.

He also loves that as a Cancer woman, you are sensitive and nurturing, but he doesn’t understand it. There comes a point of diminishing returns with an Aries man when it comes to showing emotion. He has a lower threshold for emotion
al displays than a Cancer woman has.

So, be careful with how you seek his attention. Don’t smother him. Try not to overload him with emotion. Instead, show him that you are exciting and adventurous. Give him something new, daring and exciting to look forward to in his connection to you.

If his idea of ‘commitment’ is that he isn’t sleeping with anyone else, but he still texts other women and flirts, that may be a totally different definition from that of a Cancer woman. Usually a Cancer woman is looking for a ‘let’s settle down’ level of commitment early in a relationship.

An Aries man may be looking to move fast as well. But not always. He is very independent and loves to be in charge. He loves freedom and likes being passionate and flirty around other people, so as much as he likes to follow his passions and his heart, he also will be careful about letting someone too close to him in his life. Giving up control by making a deeper commitment is also a big deal for him.

The Aries man will ultimately want to see that you are stable, solid, and relatively optimistic. This doesn’t mean you can’t have other feelings. A Cancer woman is naturally going to be very emotional. But still, you want to make sure you come back to hope, optimism and positivity.

