How Technology Use Can Have a Positive Effect on Children’s Mental Health

Growing up with the internet was quite the experience. Even with a slow computer, it was exciting to chat with friends from far away and look up all kinds of information. But there were also dangers, like bullies, online predators and so much more.

Most electronic devices and online spaces have greatly improved over the last decade. However, the encounters and impact remain the same, which can affect children’s mental health. As parents, it’s essential to highlight the positive effects of technology use while keeping the negatives at bay.

Kids’ Mental Health and Technology

A child’s mental health is very susceptible, which means giving them the right environment. The digital space technology offers is quite vast. When navigated correctly, the net can contribute to cognitive and psychosocial development.

However, it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. The excessive use of technology is associated with mental health issues like anxiety, panic and depression. Findings also point to the possibility of lower verbal intelligence and attention, as well as internet addiction.

Some parents may prohibit electronics, but this solution can backfire. The internet is well-integrated into society, with kids using it for schoolwork or keeping up with friends. Sheltering them from technology may be too isolating. As such, it’s better to focus on the benefits of technology for children and how to keep the negatives at bay.

Benefits of Technology for Children

Technology use for kids nowadays offers an enhanced experience of social networking and access to information and more. Here’s a look into the valuable benefits of technology for children.

Connections with Others

Catching up with family and friends is hard when you’re far away from each other. Thankfully, technology allows kids to stay connected with loved ones. It ensures they have a strong support system when the going gets tough.

Older kids can also make new friends through games and communities. Remember to teach them about being respectful and kind toward other people. Advise them to mute or block strangers who get weird or creepy to keep the digital space safe.

Self-Discovery and Expression

Technology is a wonderful tool for exploring and creating different forms of self-expression. For example, a drawing tablet helps to create digital art. Many software programs can assist young writers in crafting their own stories.

It’s also possible to bring those art forms online. About 43% of teens share their accomplishments on social media. It can be nerve-wracking to bring their work out into the open, but a good training ground for kids to be vulnerable and put themselves out there.

Tool for Learning

Schoolwork is difficult to complete in a short period, especially when you need to research multiple topics. Technology makes information much easier to access, so kids can complete tasks with a few Google searches.

The internet is also a great tool for learning about any other interests. For example, maybe your child wants to learn how to cook or crochet. There are so many recipes and guides online that can empower them to make anything they want.

Assistance with Distressing

Whether moving to a new school or getting into a fight with a classmate, kids can get pretty restless. Stress is a universal emotion, and it’s important to find coping mechanisms to calm yourself down. Technology is a great outlet for distraction and distress.

There are plenty of meditative exercises and videos your child can use as a reference to relax. You can also suggest age-appropriate games that they can play to take their mind off of their stressors. Streaming movies and shows on television are also calming.

Better Independence

Most parents have to accompany their children to different outings. Now, smartphones’ portability gives children more freedom to do what they want while staying safe. They can update you on their whereabouts with a quick text message. You can also keep track of their location with third-party apps or phone settings.

Avoiding the Negatives of Electronics

The benefits of technology for children are abundant, but it doesn’t erase the potential negative impact. To reap the positive effects, it’s essential to practice good habits for technology use. Here are a few examples:

  • Regulate use: In the U.S., kids between 8 and 12 get about four to six hours of screen time daily, while teens can spend up to nine hours. It’s recommended to limit scrolling to 30 minutes or less each day. Try to encourage taking a walk or reading a book. You can also take them for a drive for some old-fashioned face-to-face interaction.
  • Monitor for cyberharassment: Parents must always be alert of bullies or predators that may target their children. There may be times when they don’t want to report the incident out of anxiety. Take the initiative to block them yourself on their account.
  • Have an open conversation: Mental health is a delicate subject. However, about 40% of American parents say they worry about their children struggling with anxiety or depression. The best way to address those concerns is to have a positive discourse. That way, they know you will always listen to their worries.
  • Be a good role model: As a guardian, it’s paramount to showcase proper technology use in your household. Your kid could be mimicking you even if you don’t know it. Ensure they pick up good habits like moderate technology use and online kindness.

Utilize Technology Wisely

The internet and electronics are considered necessities in today’s society and the future. Prioritize promoting the benefits of technology for children to protect their mental health. Instill the proper habits, and they will flourish for years to come.

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